ES/S Identity Prefix
All ES/S Compatible Systems, but especially the ones used in complex enterprise applications make use of prefixed identities. This is used to clarify and allocate the identity space a company uses internally. The idea behind is to uniquely allocate prefixes to a specific dataset type or enumeration, that for example, can be a customer, a project or a task.
List of common prefixes
Extensible Services / Server for Business
Prefix | Type | Description |
DiscreteNumber | 25 | A signed integer number up to 64 bits precision |
FloatNumber | 4512.25 | A signed floating point number up to 64 bits precision |
Boolean | true | A boolean type, ie. true or false |
String | "Hello World" | A string of arbitrary length as set of chars combined creating text |
Array | ["Test",4,65.3,false] | An array of arbitrary length, whose members can be of arbitrary type |
Object | new PersonDetail() | A Object of any type |