Extensible Object Script

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Extensible Object Script

EOS Logo

Developer Texas Instruments, Netroda Technologies, A. Zeneli et. al.
Type Programming Language
Licenses LGPL
Initial release


Current Version 2.10.2 (06/2021)
Platform EOSRuntime (Java / Platform Independent)
  • TI Object Script
    • ↳ Extensible Object Script

Paradigm Imperative Procedural
Typing Dynamic, Weak
Influences Java, ActionScript, JavaScript
Filename Extension .eos

Extensible Object Script (short "EOS") is the Scripting language used for Systems Based on the Extensible Services / Server for Automation family. Extensible Object Script features Object mixing, caching, lambda expressions and dynamic typing.

Extensible Object Script runs inside the ES/S-A Enviroment (Java-Based) and is compatble with Java Objects (Objects extending java.lang.Object). As Java-based Language (Heavily dependent on Java-API's and processed by JCC and Apache BCEL) it is theoretically plattform independent, as the runtime can be executed on any Java-capable platform.


ExtensibleObjectScript is a general purpose object-oriented programming and scripting language. It is designed to be simple to learn, easy to use, yet still powerful enough to master complex automation processes. The main goals was combining the convenience of a just-in-time interpreter with the features and reliability of the surrounding Java virtual machine. Its origins trace to ObjectScript developed originally by Texas Instrument until the mid 2000s. Efforts were taken by Netroda Technolgies to modernize the language, and to introduce new features like headless lambda functions, anonymous JSON deserialization and bundles application loading.


Extensible Object Script is a full featured object oriented scripting language, which combines the powerful features of a full featured programming language such as Java with the ease of use of a scripting language. It supports functions (which can be closures), classes, inheritance, synchronization (for multi-threaded programs) and garbage collection. Also, an ObjectScript program can take advantage of exising Java APIs by creating instances of Java classes, calling methods of Java objects, and even implementing Java interfaces or extending Java classes. As the Core of Extensible Services / Server for Automation is java based, Extensible Object Script integrates seamlessly.


Scripts utilizing EOS are used to create Complex Typed System Assets (CTSA), Create and modify Area Service Controllers (ASXC) and to create user programs, like recurring tasks, automation routines and similar.

Integrated Types

Name Example Description Information
DiscreteNumber 25 A signed integer number up to 64 bits precision Stores discrete numbers with exact precision and no decimal point, ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive)
FloatNumber 4512.25 A signed floating point number up to 64 bits precision Stores floating decimal numbers with variable inexact precision, on most platforms also known as "Double" (double precision floating point). Ranges from -1.797693134862315E+308 to -2.225073858507201E-308
Boolean true A boolean type, ie. true or false Stores the two boolean states true and false
String "Hello World" A string of arbitrary length as set of chars combined creating text Stores a String of arbitrary length. A string is immutable, but supports read-only array like access using the [] and [..] operators. The length() method returns the length of the string.
Array ["Test",4,65.3,false] An array of arbitrary length, whose members can be of arbitrary type Stores Arrays of arbitrary type (and don't have to be of the same type). The length() method returns the current length of the array. An array will automatically grow to accomodate the n'th element. indices start at 0.
Object new PersonDetail() A Object of any type In Object Script, everything (event the primitive types) are Objects.

It is worth noting that, everything is just an object. The literal number 1 is an object, the statement (3 + "c") evaluates to an object. All objects define a getType() method, which returns the type of the object (which itself is an enumerative object.)

Arrays can be declared with the Array constructor, or with the more compact square bracket syntax: [1,2,3]. Arrays can be accessed using the [] or [..] operators, such as arr[0] which will evaluate to the first element in the array, or arr[0..5] which will return the sub-array containing the 0'th throughout 5'th (inclusive) elements of the array.

Sign, exponent and mantissa of InexactNumber


// A Simple While-Loop
var a = 0;
  if( a > 5 )
  a = 10;       // this line is never evaluated
// Two For-Loops
var arr = [];

for( var i=0; i<10; i++ )
  arr[i] = i;

var sum = 0;
for( var item : arr )
  sum += item;
// Simple Recursion
function fib(n)
  if( n == 0 )
    throw new Exception("Invalid Input");
  else if( n == 1 )
    return 1;
  else if( n == 2 )
    return 1;
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

Object-Oriented Examples

// Objects and Object-Mixing
function Color()
  public function setRGB( r, g, b )
    // ...

function Shape()
  // ...

function Square() extends Shape()
  public function setSize( w, h )
    // ... 

/* derived class created using mixins:

function ColoredSquare()
  mixin new Square();
  mixin new Color();

var coloredSquare = new ColoredSquare();
coloredSquare.setRGB( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff );
coloredSquare.setSize( 25, 50 );

A Example complex program shown below, this snippets creates a Lighting theme for a residential or public building utilizing a Extensible Services / Server for Automation based system.

	Created on 09.01.2021
	ALSC Setup - Extensible Object Script
	The designated Area's Light Service Controller functions
	and allocations. 
	Copyright (C), N.P.A.L. 2015, 2021 Netroda Technologies, all rights reserved. 

	this software can be reproduced, altered shared or distributed according to the terms of 
	the Netroda Parity Access License (N.P.A.L.) 
	See http://www.netroda.com/global/en/license/npal for further information
	Hint: to work with features and structures provided use the following variables provided 

	var inp1 			= ESS.Services.PTSA.getAssetById("ASES_0F26A000001"); 		// input1 => mode(on/off/auto)

	var highCeiling 	= ESS.Services.CTSA.getAssetById("CSES_0000P09F0E9A0");    	// HIGH_CEILING_LAMP
	var dev2 			= ESS.Services.CTSA.getAssetById("CSES_0000P09F0EA81");    	
	var dev3 			= ESS.Services.CTSA.getAssetById("CSES_0000P09F0EA82");    

    const var HIGH_CEILING_LAMP = 0;

	ALSC.primaryLights.createDevice(highCeiling,HIGH_CEILING_LAMP);  // Reference Device 1 (high ceiling lamp)
	ALSC.primaryLights.createDevice(dev2,2);  // Reference Device 2
	ALSC.primaryLights.createDevice(dev3,3);  // Reference Device 3

		new (function() extends Lambda.ALSCModeEventHandler(){

            var timer;

			public function onModeChange(e){

				debug("Mode Changed");

				timer = ESS.Runtime.invokeLater(
                    new (function() extends EOSFoundation.ESSRunnable(){

                	    public function run(){

                			debug("Mode Indication...");

                			var complexObject = ESS.Services.Complex.resolveArea("c0.b0.lv1.a001");
                			var currentMode = complexObject.lightsService.primaryLights.primaryMode.valueOf();
                			var modeIndicatorDevice = ESS.Services.PTSA.getAssetById("ASES_0FE00050001");

                			debug("Curr Mode (ext): " + currentMode);
                			debug("Curr Mode (int): " + currentMode);

                			if(currentMode == "ConstantOn"){
                			else if(currentMode == "ConstantOff"){
                			else if(currentMode == "Automatic"){




		new (function() extends EOSFoundation.InputEventHandler(){

			public function onChange(e){
				debug("Changed: Input 1"); 
			public function onHigh(e){
				debug("High: Input 1, Cycling ALSC Mode..."); 
				// this function is executed asynchronously in a new StackFrame,
				// so it might be necessary to reallocate the base ALSC object
				var complexObject = ESS.Services.Complex.resolveArea("c0.b0.lv1.a001");
			public function onLow(e){
				debug("Low: Input 1"); 


		new (function() extends Lambda.ALSCTheme(){
			name        = "Visitors";
			allowModes  = ["ConstantOn","ConstantOff","Automatic"];
			public function onLoad(){
			public function onUnload(newTheme){

                debug("Theme \""+name+"\" has been unloaded, new: " + newTheme);

			public function onManualActivation(){
			public function onPresency(){
			public function onModeChange(modeArgument){
			public function onPanic() {

		new (function() extends Lambda.ALSCTheme(){
			name        = "Cleaning Service";
			allowModes  = ["ConstantOn","ConstantOff"];
			public function onLoad(){

                //set the mode without invoking handlers [ changeMode(a,b) a=name b=silent ] because we just changed our theme
                //to prevent detrimental effects on the lost theme.
				var complexObject = ESS.Services.Complex.resolveArea("c0.b0.lv1.a001");

                debug("Theme \""+name+"\" has been loaded");


			public function onUnload(newTheme){

                debug("Theme \""+name+"\" has been unloaded, new: " + newTheme);

                //unload components


			public function onManualActivation(){

			public function onPresency(){

			public function onModeChange(modeArgument){

			public function onPanic(){

			private function evaluate(){

                var complexObject = ESS.Services.Complex.resolveArea("c0.b0.lv1.a001");
                var currentMode = complexObject.lightsService.primaryLights.primaryMode.valueOf();

                if(currentMode == "ConstantOn"){
                else if(currentMode == "ConstantOff"){

